
Dice Tower - 2019

Created by Tom Vasel

The Dice Tower enters its 15th season! We are raising funds to continue our coverage of board games and the people who play them.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Great start! More stuff! And how to add stuff.
over 5 years ago – Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 06:45:29 PM

First of all, a huge thanks from all of us here at the Dice Tower.  While I will remain stressed until we hit our goal, it was a great first day, and we appreciate each and every one of you who backs our Kickstarter.

As the Kickstarter goes on, we may be adding things to it - and I'll try to do a daily update of the changes.

So for today, here's what was added.

For those who can't see images in their email, we've added a tile for City of Gears to Promo Pack C, a Smash Up Titans pack and a four card pack for Kami-Sama to Pack E, and custom Dice Tower ties.

At least a few more promos will be added, and we'll get artwork for some of them as the campaign goes by (and yes, the playmat artwork is coming!)

I've gotten a lot of questions about Add-ons, so here's how you do it.

Pick the reward you most want. (Say a tie!)   Pledge for that reward.  Anything that is called an "add-on" can be added to that pledge.  Say you wanted a Gloomhaven Scenario ($5) and Sticker Sheets ($10).  You would pledge $40 total (tie plus two items).  At the end of the campaign, our pledge manager will allow you to say exactly what you want - although realize there might be a little shipping involved (assume $2 per small item for US and $5 for international)

Now, some of you might just want to wait for the Pledge Manager.  But if you add the money NOW you will help us reach our goal faster, and be on our way to our stretch goals.

Either way, I appreciate all of your support!

Tom Vasel